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Potting Mixes & Potting Media


Nursery Grade Potting Mix with CRF

Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA

Bulk Density – 600kg per m3

Price $160.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)


Nursery Grade Potting Mix is our highest quality potting mix. The mix contains composted bark, coco peat, propagation sand, water crystals, wetting agent and a mix of nutrients and beneficial additives. The mix also contains controlled release fertiliser that will slowly release nutrients over a period up to 9 months. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.

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Premium Potting Mix

Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA

Bulk Density – 600kg per m3

Price $120.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)


Our Premium Potting Mix is a high quality mix similar to our Nursery Grade Mix but without controlled release fertiliser and with slightly increased drainage properties. A slight increase in drainage is ideal for many plant types that don't like the soil to hold too much water. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.

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Native Potting Mix

Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA

Bulk Density – 600kg per m3

Price $120.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)


Our Native Potting Mix is of the same high standard as our Premium Potting Mix but with low phosphorus inputs to protect phosphorus sensitive Australian native plants. This mix meets the highest Australian Standards and the even higher standard of NIASA. HALS works hard to reach and maintain these certifications so our customers can have confidence that they are getting a mix of the highest possible standard.

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Regular Grade Potting Mix

Black Tick Australian Standards

Bulk Density – 600kg per m3

Price $95.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)


Our Regular Grade Potting Mix is a general purpose potting mix consisting of composted potting bark, compost, coarse sand and complete slow release fertiliser and beneficial additives. It is great for a huge range of different plant types for both indoor and outdoor pots. The mix meets the second highest Australian standard for a potting mix, giving our customers confidence that they are purchasing a quality product. 

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SeaGreens Premium Organic* Potting Mix

Australian Certified Organic* Product

Bulk Density – 600kg per m3

Price $150.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)


SeaGreens Potting Mix is a Certified Organic* potting mix that is infused with seaweed extract. Using seaweed extract brings benefits to plants and to the environment by taking what would be a waste product put into landfill and harnessing it to boost plant health. Seaweed boosts root growth & health, increases microbial activity in the soil, improves water retention and is high in mineral content.


Expanded Coco Peat


Bulk Density – 500kg per m3

Price $280.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)

We wet compressed coconut fibre blocks to expand them out ready for use in potting media. Coco Peat is often also called Coir Peat/fibre and are the same product.


Composted Urea Potting Bark

Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA

Bulk Density – 500kg per m3

Price $90.00 p/m3 (Inclusive of GST)

This potting bark is screened to a fine 0-5mm size before being composted.

SeaGreens Potting Mix is an Australian Certified Organic* product that does not contain chemical fertilisers. We recommend fertilising your plants using organic fertilisers from time of planting. 

* This product is allowable for use on farms (or in facilities) certified to the Australian Certified Organic Standard


Composted Urea Potting Bark 0-11mm

Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA

Bulk Density – 500kg per m3

Price $65.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)

Screened and composted potting bark.


Composted Urea Potting Bark

Red Tick Australian Standards + NIASA

Bulk Density – 500kg per m3

Price $90.00 p/m3(Inclusive of GST)

A coarse screened and composted potting bark that ranges from 5-16mm.

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